Tag Archives: sump
Electrical Trouble in the tank with Biopellets Pump
Trouble in the tank with Biopellets Continue reading
PVC Cementing our Sump Plumbing
Everyone is sending us very nice comments on our plumbing and how nice it looks. They keep asking how we made it look so nice and the answer is the glue or cement. So we are sharing what we used and how we did it. Continue reading
DIY How to Reef Tank pt 4
We have been working hard to get parts and equipment into the sump, this little video shows our latest and greatest things we added. The quarantine tank is almost ready to go, we still need a filter on it but otherwise we are ready to use it. This is all thanks to Synergy Reef and their work on it. Continue reading
Ghost Overflow
The new Ghost overflow has been released, and Reef Savvy has given us the tour. Continue reading
Adding in the return lines
The sump is going to need return lines and so here they are. We are planning on three lines, one main, one secondary and last one for emergency drainage only. We plan to have these installed and unions on … Continue reading
DIY Building our Reef Tank
We have a few cords to tie up literally and other than that all is good. So we will beable to start the water and plumbing leak tests. Automatic Tunze topoff was installed tonight, the Reef Octopus Skimmer is ready, two Ehiem thermometers, one Zeovit reactor and soon the GFO and Carbon reactors. Continue reading
Sump arrived
From TN to MN, the sump has arrived, now the work starts and the fun. Continue reading
Sump is built and on a truck to Minnesota
Our sump is built and it is on it’s way to Minnesota. We hopefully will have a video out on it by the next week when we are ready to start to configure it and work with it, we … Continue reading