The recommendation is to test Alkalinity, Nitrite, Calcium, and Phosphate (phosphorus) Continue reading
Author Archives: Mr. ReefDVMs
Easy way to increase tank pH
Sometimes in a reef tank one would like the pH to be higher. There are many ways to do it and one way is fairly easy, increase oxygen and decrease carbon oxides. Continue reading
New Dell XPS 12 Hardware for current reef Software
New Hardware Dell xps 12 video Continue reading
Another real good video on Reef LED Lighting
Since the topic is very hot lately we thought we share a good overview video on LED lighting. This video really helps show the high points of LED and what to consider if your going to use them in your tank. Continue reading
AI Vega LED light review article
We have been watching the numerous LED lights on the market for the last few years and as Metal Halides die off and LED take over the improvements we are seeing are great. We will on our reef evaluate the AI Vega LEDS but for now here is a good review by others. Continue reading
Pretty Cool Idea
The people over at BRS are really thinking. This invention allows for the RO DI water to be made and then afterward it goes through these two add on stages and the monitor makes it the correct specific gravity that you set it too, pretty cool RO DI SALTWATER. Continue reading
Great new video released on Hanna Testers
We just released the video on what we do weekly for testing on our tanks.
The Hanna testers are our favs but you can use other test too. Continue reading
ASTERINA STARS are white starfish crawling around on your glass. Continue reading
Red Mushroom (Actinodiscus sp.)
Red Mushroom (Actinodiscus sp.) Continue reading
The Lens we use to achieve Great Reef Pics
Looking for the camera, well any high-end DLSR Nikon, Cannon and or Sony will work Continue reading